EXIF Date Changer
© 2005 Igor Tolmachev, IT Samples
EXIF Date Changer allows you to inspect the EXIF metadata in photos taken of digital cameras and change numerous Date/Time entries.
The EXIF Metadata contains the information about an image, such as a title, width and height, camera model, artist, and so on.
Most image processing software rebuilds (and destroys some private tags) EXIF metadata when saving an image file. EXIF Date Changer accesses to an image using binary operations only and allows the changing of EXIF Date/Time tags without changing an image metadata structure.
EXIF Date Changer requires .NET Framework at least version 2.0.
You can obtain Microsoft .NET Framework here.

version: 1.0 download program (90KB, revised July 24, 2006) download source (C#)
If you encounter a problem while running this utility or you have any suggestions, comments, you can send a message to support (at) itsamples.com