System Files Lister
© 2009, 2014 Igor Tolmachev, IT Samples
System Files Lister is a small utility that enumerates files protected by System File Checker mechanism used with the Windows File Protection (WFP) feature.
This feature does allow users to protect the core system files from being accidentally or intentionally modified by third party programs.
If System File Checker discovers that a protected file has been overwritten, it recovers the correct version of it from the cache folder
(%Systemroot%\System32\Dllcache) or the Windows installation source files and then replaces the incorrect file.
System Files Lister tool helps to enumerate all those protected files.

Additionally, the tool allows you to verify a file by entering the full path to it in the file system.
version: 1.1 download (39KB, revised December 21, 2014)
If you encounter a problem while running this utility or you have any suggestions, comments, you can send a message to support (at) itsamples.com